Subject: Quick Quiz: The money is in the ____? Subject: 8 Steps To A Profitable Sales Funnel Subject: Free report, no opt in required Hey, Ever wonder just why does something become a cliche? Guess it's overuse. If you've been online for any length of time, you'll have heard this one... the money's in the list. But the reason this gets said often enough to become a cliche is because it's TRUE. The money really is in the list. Building a list of subscribers is the number one way to build a long term, sustainable online business - one that can generate cash on demand. It's the one thing all successful marketers have in common - they ALL have a series of sales funnels, constantly bringing in new subscribers, and creating new customers. And you should have too. This free report should help (direct download, no optin). 8 Steps To A Profitable Sales Funnel LINK TO YOUR REBRANDED REPORT Hope this helps, YOUR NAME